Costa Rica Is Calling You...

you know what a spectacularly friendly and strikingly scenic country Costa Rica is...from its pristine beaches along the Pacific Coast to its laidback Caribbean coast the perfect-climate Central Valley and beyond...

There are green rainforests teeming with exotic wildlife...towering volcanoes, lush valleys, and hundreds of crystal-clear lakes, rivers, streams, and waterfalls... You'll enjoy sunny days, mesmerizing sunrises, sunsets, and star-filled night skies...

Maybe you'd like to be one of them? Maybe you think Costa Rica might be the perfect place to retire...or own a vacation home? Or just reinvent yourself?

Here's just some of what Costa Rica offers:

  • Proximity to home. You can quickly and easily get a direct flight (less than three hours from Miami) into two international airports in Costa Rica.
  • Excellent weather—From the temperate Central Valley to the beautiful tropical beaches, there's a climate for almost everyone. (But say goodbye to cold and snow.)
  • Top-quality affordable healthcare—Costa Rica ranks as the healthiest country in Central America, and ahead of the U.S. When it comes to overall healthcare efficiency, says a recent Bloomberg report, Costa Rica ranks well ahead of the U.S.—critically important in this day and age.
  • And the really good news: You can qualify for the CAJA national health system that provides comprehensive coverage, no matter your age or pre-existing conditions. Its focus is on prevention and wellness.
  • The most stable democracy in Latin America—No other country has the peaceful history and democratic stability of Costa Rica (and no army)!
  • All the comforts of home—modern shopping malls and world-class hospitals. Reliable high-speed internet is available just about everywhere.
  • Low, low taxes—You'll pay zero income taxes on foreign-earned income. If you buy a home in Costa Rica, your annual property taxes will be little more than $100-$500 a year in most cases. On a $200,000 home you'll pay just $125!

Costa Rica also offers advantages most of us aren't aware of:

  • A built-in community of English-speaking locals and expats—it's said that about 70,000 Americans, many of them retirees, currently live in Costa Rica. The number of Americans who collect their U.S. Social Security checks in Costa Rica has jumped 67% since 2002. 
  • It's healthy…with little pollution and lots of clean water and fresh air. (Costa Rica is one of the only countries in the world to reverse deforestation!) A staggering 99% of its energy comes from renewable, money-saving sources. And the government intends to soon eliminate reliance on fossil fuels altogether.
  • Adult literacy is practically 100%. Thanks to the well-educated, well-informed workforce, many international companies have offices, factories, and call centers here.

Plus, it's so very affordable. If you've been in-country on the tourist trail, you may think Costa Rica is out of your budget range. Hotels and restaurants in tourist hotspots can be pricey, that's true. But if you were to retire or spend time there, it's doubtful you'd opt to live in a tourist town...not when there are so many other—and arguably even more attractive—options to choose from in Costa Rica. Far more affordable options, in fact.


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